Firstly just a little plug for the book class I'm starting next Saturday. I'll be teaching a four week class from 10.30 am - 1 pm Saturdays May 1 -22. It is at St Stephen's Community Living Centre, 28 Freeman Street, Ringwood East. You can see more and book at their website

These are the pieces I submitted to the 69 Smith Street stand at Art Melbourne along with the cormorant picture I've just had framed.
They are
Tesselation Part Two cast dyed gingerlily on a lino print. Part of an installation I did for Natural Connections an Exhibition I had with Ann Parry back in 2002.

The next three can be one piece or three separate pieces called
Journey - Korea, King Island, Milne Bay and combine pulp painting with digital imagery.

Tomorrow I am going to my daughter's school to show her year 12 class some of my artist books and to teach them a couple of binding styles, I decided to give them some paste paper to cover their concertina's with and I had some brownish paper that I didn't have a particular use for so decided to use it for gold paste papers, they are pretty simple just gold acrylic in cornflour paste and a range of tools for the designs.

I've also been playing around with some collographs, I didn't get to the workshop that Liz Winter ran for Papermakers but saw some of the results, I particularily liked the effect of eggshells so was keen to try them out. T'arts was at my place last Sunday so I thought we'd have a go at making some collographs, talk about the blind leading the blind, I hadn't realised the eggshells would be so difficult to stick. The top picture shows the plate I made on Sunday with the print, the next shows an earlier one I'd made and a couple of prints, since the T'arts is a textile group I did one print on one of my calico couching cloths to see how it would work on fabric, was fine, might be interesting with some embroidery/beading.
The third picture is of some extra plates I made from flattened corrugated cardboard, thin card and egg shells this time I took the easy option and used some of my wide double sided tape.