We then discussed and started work on our contribution for the upcoming Papermakers of Vic Exhibition. We decided to spell out Yabbers '08 vertically with the hemp paper we had made two months ago and the paste papers we made last month. Here are pictures of the front and back of the pages which will form our banner.
We then made some vege papyrus but instead of making straight papyrus we made it on paper. These pictures are of some that I'd made last week from zucchini, celery, bouganvillea, kiwi fruit and canned beetroot. The straight papyrus was made from canned beetroot.
These pictures were taken through the paper into the light.
Celery and bouganvillea
Beetroot on paper
Straight beetroot
I have some instructions on my website under vegetable laminates but these ones were done by cooking all the fruit and vegetables except the canned beetroot for 2 minutes on high in a microwave then placing them on freshly made hemp paper (could be any paper) then pressing them. Some I dried in my usual way of rolling onto fibro cement and the others by pressing between cotton cloths in my book press and changing the cloths daily.