I only know what the stars had in store for me because V who is the same star sign as me came and we drove together to the Geelong Forum. I guess you might call visiting the forum frivolous although I did keep a fairly tight hold on my purse strings, only bought a bag of silk worm casings and bits.

I'm not sure what I'll use them for but they looked interesting enough to add to something. When I opened the bag it smelt rather bad so not a good omen.
I think they reminded me of the "eggs" I made during the week. I've taken the better ones in to Artisan books for the basket show coming up next week. We have to stretch to call them baskets, one had woven paper the others were just cast, high shrinkage stuff, a mix of dyed well beaten ginger lily, montbretia bracts, artichokes and some gingko pulp given to me by B. I didn't take any photos of the ones I took to Artisan but here is the one that stayed at home.

I had duty at the Alcove Art Shop on Wednesday so it was a chance to get some binding done. I seem to only bind at night or when I have shop duty. I've been out so much lately I haven't been making many books although I've made a couple of large (about A4) Journals and want to make a few more to build up a few supplies before Christmas. I think we'll give the dark one to the friend who's 50th birthday party it is tonight.