So much for daily blogging. It has been ten days since my last blog, In that time I've finished the IAPMA newsletter and bulletin, worked on a brochure for ecorecycle, bought a new second hand car, grooved at the Apollo Bay Music festival and sorted out Women's Art Register (well spent Tuesday there). Last night I went to the opening of Peter Lyssiotis and George Matoulas exhibitions at Deakin University Stonnington Stables. All the usual suspects were there. I liked Peter's work particularily the large prints of manipulated photographs and some of the photomontage. Didn't think much of the star concertinas upstairs though!
I've been trying to get some paper made for about a week, maybe today I'll get to the vat. I covered several dream diaries last night after dinner so will have some examples for the workshops on Sunday and Monday. Last week I took some photos to put on this page so I'll put them up now, they are the pages, covers and finished dream diaries.