Last night my neighbour came in to see if I had any Christmas cards, of course I said yes and I did have a few but I promptly turned around and made some collages using some of my papers plus a collage pack I bought from Papermakers of Victoria. Here are a few of the cards I made last night.

I've also started making my paper ones, this year I've decided to go with an Aussie theme, not very Christmassy but then snow and ice and woolly furlined suits aren't very Christmassy when Christmas is in the middle of summer. I'm pulp painting with a stencil of gum leaves and flowers. I started by using double sided tape to stick some leaves to the mould but after a couple of sheets the leaves started to fall off so I copied them onto some gaffer tape which sticks to the mould really well. It was too hard to cut the flowers from the tape so I've used Blutac for them rolled really fine and pressed into the wire. I made a few sheets today but they are not dry yet so will post pictures of the best next time I post. I can make two cards with one sheet, I started with light brown on the back then red then brown again but about half way through decided to go with just two pulls brown as the base and red with the image, I'm much happier with these but will see how they look once they are dry. Here are a couple of pictures of my mould.